



Dr. 苏珊P. 拉塞尔,主管
夫人. 米歇尔·L. 教学专家费奥克
Dr. 玛丽V. 施瓦兹,听力学家
Dr. 罗宾·B. 米勒,听力学家
Dr. 肯·雷默,学校心理学家
Ms. Selma Patillo-Simms, Coordinator of 口译服务


电话: 240-740-1810
传真: 240-740-1804



电话: 240-740-1800
传真: 240-740-1803
VP: 301-637-2958




聋人及重听人士(DHOH) Program provides comprehensive programs 和 services for children from birth through high school graduation who have an educationally significant hearing loss.


  • Provide programming from birth through high school graduation following the Common Core State St和ards
  • Provide appropriate instruction in the least restrictive environment while addressing critical language 和 沟通 needs
  • 提供通信选项
  • 总沟通
  • 暗示的演讲
  • 听力/口语
  • 提供相关服务
  • Meet the varied needs of a multicultural 和 diverse population
  • 促进家长和社区的参与


的 following specialized supports 和 related services are provided as determined by student needs through the IEP process:

  • Self-contained classes 和 small group instruction by teachers of the deaf; supported instruction in a general education setting
  • Itinerant D/HOH 服务 – provided in the D/HOH student’s neighborhood school or in a special education program other than D/HOH
  • Audiological 服务 – 服务 from an educational audiologist to assist students, 家庭, 和 staff in optimizing the use of 试镜
    • Provision 和 maintenance of personal 和 sound field FM amplification systems
    • 计算机助听器评估
    • 外借助听器
    • 助听器电池采购方案
    • 以学校为基础的耳霉菌诊所
    • Collaboration 和 咨询 with Audiological Clinics 和 Cochlear Implant Centers
  • Auditory Communication Specialist - Specialized 沟通 therapy focusing on the development of 演讲, 听觉训练, pragmatic language 和 advocacy skills as appropriate for D/HOH students
  • 口译服务 - Sign language Interpreters 和 暗示的演讲 Transliterators to access instruction in the general education setting
  • 学校心理服务-评估, 咨询, 和 counseling by a school psychologist with expertise in assessing D/HOH students
  • 特殊教育交通

威尼斯官网在线 Procedures for the Provision of Sign Language Interpreters for 父母


婴儿 & 蹒跚学步的

的 birth-three year old program is coordinated through Montgomery County 婴幼儿计划. Babies/toddlers 和 parents may receive regular home-based services to facilitate parents' underst和ing of hearing loss 和 provide appropriate early intervention services including language, 沟通, 以及听觉技能的发展. 除了, parents 和 children may come to center-based activities including toddler groups 和 monthly “parent in class” for social interaction 和 informational sessions.


Deaf 和 hard of hearing children from ages three to five who require a language intensive preschool setting participate in full-day classes, where language 和 沟通 skill development is emphasized along with the development of age-appropriate concept development 和 pre-academic skills.


在初级阶段, D/HOH students may attend one of the center-based programs located in 3 elementary schools in the 罗克维尔市 cluster where the most intensive 和 comprehensive supports 和 services can be delivered. 学生 may be in self-contained classes or participate in general education settings.

  • 露西V. 巴恩斯利西
  • 总沟通 program incorporates the use of a variety of 沟通 methods: sign language, 演讲, 视话法, 试镜, 手势, 和打印.

  • 花谷ES
  • 暗示的演讲 program uses a manual system that was developed to represent the sounds of spoken language using eight h和 shapes 和 four vowel group positions. Sounds that look alike on the lips are cued differently, so they can be distinguished from one another.

  • 石溪谷ES
  • 听力/口语 program emphasizes oral 以及听觉技能的发展 through the use of amplification, 听觉学习, 视话法, 和语音.

Middle 学校 和 High 学校 Center-Based 项目

Articulating in the 罗克维尔市 cluster, the center-based programs at 厄尔B.伍德中学洛克维尔高中 提供所有三种沟通方式, in general education classrooms 和 self-contained D/HOH classes. 学生 can access the array of courses 和 electives, 和 participate in all academic 和 extra-curricular activities. Transition services are provided 和 linkages to post-secondary experiences are supported.


Montgomery County Association for Hearing Impaired Children – MCAHIC

  • Parent-Professional organization whose membership includes parents of deaf 和 hard of hearing children, 工作人员, 以及当地聋人社区的朋友
  • Outreach to the community about the needs of deaf 和 hard of hearing children
  • 信息会议和社交活动
  • 语言和手语课程

For more information or to get involved, please visit their 网站 or 电子邮件: contactmcahic@gmail.com



耳聋的选择 - A 父母' Guide to Communication Options

耳聋的选择 苏·施瓦茨博士编辑.D.(前威尼斯官网在线家长及教育工作者)

An invaluable guide to deaf education with contributions from professionals 和 parents, 选择在耳聋提供一个公正的, thorough overview of the following methods:

  • 听觉言语方法
  • Bilingual-Bicultural方法
  • 暗示的演讲
  • 口语的方法
  • 总沟通